Sunday, 24 January 2016

My Boat, My Harbor

We are deep into January so I realize this is an unusual time to be writing a blog post about sailing - but my first published piece Sometimes the Mooring Comes First in Maine Boats Home & Harbors Magazine just came out this month. 
It thrills me to see these photos and get excited about summer as we round the corner of official winter, toward spring. I was encouraged to contribute to the magazine by Polly Saltonstall, the magazine's editor in chief and old acquaintance. She and I agreed we wanted to hear more women's voices in the world of Maine sailing and boating. One of the themes in my essay is the pleasure of sailing with women friends, many of whom have not had much experience on the water. It's great fun to get good friends on a boat without children, mates or devices-- and see where the wind takes us...

Coincidentally the week my essay appeared we saw Leap Before You Look, an exhibition on legendary Black Mountain College, at ICA Boston. Leaping before looking was very much the spirit of art-making at Black Mountain--and very much the spirit in which my husband PB and I began our boat-owning partnership. 
photo credits:
Ryan Goodrich
Jenny Mayher
Justin Smith
Peter Behrens
Molly Blake