Wednesday, 26 October 2016


fog. broiullard. the confusion, discomfort. haze. beauty. 
like seeing in black + white

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

New York


















* Above photo collage from a not -too long ago visit. I stayed in the west Village and took many of these photos near by. Notable - the High Line ( with zebra billboard) and how quickly its evolved.


“There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter — the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something.
...Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion. ” 

E.B. White, Here Is New York  

  Feeling nostalgic as Fall arrives and unpleasant things happen around the world and in NYC ( chelsea & NJ bombings) that makes one pause and take stake. My heart goes out to NYC residents who are handling uncertainty with composure and calm.

Monday, 19 September 2016

i n t e r i o r s

going thru images this week, trying to revitalize , rejuvinate my website www.bashabcreative and came across images from this shoot i did a while back. 
i " borrowed" rugs from angela adams and a beautiful home and did this photoshoot with photographer jarrod mccabe ( outdoorgiants) . 
the homeowner built the cabinets + built in's and they are amazing..gorgeous....
 i did creative direction + location scouted + propped + arranged everything from blankets & pillows to rugs and tabletop was a memorable day or two - and we have many great images to show for it.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Camus + Finding Light In Winter Nights

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. 
Albert Camus

      How timely I find this quote - as I write this blogpost on the heels of my last, about summer + sailing + maine.
      For this post, I found that I needed to give myself a homework assignment, to take a photo of winter;  the cold, the white, the darkness, the landscape, compelling myself to embrace it, enjoy it, find beauty in this season. As its turns out - it was not at all difficult to do so.
    The top left image I took last night ( fulfilling my self challenge) as I walked home across the Harvard Yard from an exceptional talk + reading that Colm Toibin gave at the Harvard Art Museum. He was engrossing, incredibly intelligent, comical, such a gifted reader - performer- orator....
    The snow falling across a streetlamp, with Memorial Hall 's Victorian Gothic tower behind.
    The next image I took while biking home across a Charles River bridge from Back Bay to Cambridge. I was star struck by the lights.
     Then of course - Marfa. The courthouse during the holiday season - it always gets me. Local businesses + individuals pitch in to help pay for the extra cost to the town. Strong community spirit - and so worth it, so Marfa....
Next to that - my son evoking the snow imagery- at the immersive-interactive show : What A Loving and Beautiful World. Teamlab at Radcliffe  We visited (and interacted!) with that show many, many times....
     Below, on left,  the Latent Escapes a permanent landscape installation also at Radcliffe. Then again Marfa - Eugene Binder Gallery on Christmas eve. So welcoming,  how the illuminated interior welcomes us thru the open garage door.
    As it turns out, this creative Leo's inspiration was right there, even in the depths of winter.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

My Boat, My Harbor

We are deep into January so I realize this is an unusual time to be writing a blog post about sailing - but my first published piece Sometimes the Mooring Comes First in Maine Boats Home & Harbors Magazine just came out this month. 
It thrills me to see these photos and get excited about summer as we round the corner of official winter, toward spring. I was encouraged to contribute to the magazine by Polly Saltonstall, the magazine's editor in chief and old acquaintance. She and I agreed we wanted to hear more women's voices in the world of Maine sailing and boating. One of the themes in my essay is the pleasure of sailing with women friends, many of whom have not had much experience on the water. It's great fun to get good friends on a boat without children, mates or devices-- and see where the wind takes us...

Coincidentally the week my essay appeared we saw Leap Before You Look, an exhibition on legendary Black Mountain College, at ICA Boston. Leaping before looking was very much the spirit of art-making at Black Mountain--and very much the spirit in which my husband PB and I began our boat-owning partnership. 
photo credits:
Ryan Goodrich
Jenny Mayher
Justin Smith
Peter Behrens
Molly Blake